rockomp, dstreetcustoms & flipwire all under the ROLLAS banner for now
Shengya sortin out a seat pan
Sportster Fan
Passin on the mojo to the young ones
The elusive Mike Ong n his monkee
Some photo app test shots
Xmas Decor
Shop full of chop
Full monty
10foot giant
Graffiti on pegs
Graffiti on pegs II
Rubba Rebel Star
Tryin to move back in time
Ignitin Shengya's flame
Random Skart
Project Kopi Lacer
Kopi Lacer
Speedoart x Pxlromatic
Operation Huligan Donation BMX
The ever so luvly Elise sends her luv...
Start em young
Project MW underway
Lets fix elise up...
Operation Huligan Donation BMXart
75% Operation Huligan Donation BMX completion
The boy who kicks my ass everyday... Introducing the new Huligan who respond by Kelvin/Monsterman/Blueyes...
Project V2 Pubber
100% Project V2 Pubber
Testing out Project V2 Pubber
At the office with Blueyes
Huliganono & Nikihuligrrl inkin Teddy Huligan
Nikihuligrrl drawin hearts
Blueyes & rockompfella cruizin
Serving up a MetalFlake saddle for an Iron883
Nikihuligan is now a Lian...
My temporary ride for CNY
Rollas gathering
Pedallin' nite
JoHohohohuligan tables wif a touche...
Slowmo Project Bellhop