Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Since the closure of ROLLAS Shop at Syed Alwi Rd last year, We have been getting a lot of love and moral support off Huligans and Huligrrlies that this concept can still be explored. And in view of my constant procrastination to start it up as a side-line again over the months, it actually took a kick on my nuts by Mark Ong of SBTG fame while he was developin' a new private label name F.O.X.T.R.O.T.  U.N.I.F.O.R.M. to make me realized that hey, we might just have a lil cult followin' here (as evident on ROLLAS Chronicles via Facebook)

Mark has since design ROLLAS very first t-shirt and may be follow by a few more graphics in good faith to help kick start this underground culture of ours again. Thank you Mark. Lookin forward to more creative juices of ya!

F.O.X.T.R.O.T.  U.N.I.F.O.R.M can be ogled at via http://www.facebook.com/pages/Foxtrot-Uniform/162631923890447 

Neu Play Thing

Street Brawler-esque direction

Started off as Bonneville SE


Brit machina lovin' now... testin' neu grounds... watch the digression of this machine in the coming months

Neu & Reneu Frens


Mean Dean

Funk Faisal


Mighty Mikey




We started off as salesman and customers... we have since progressed...

At 1179

B.R.M.C. Leathers

Steve McQueen 998/1,100

Bonne SE... From customer to a friend... Vince 

New bikes... Old take

Black Bonnie x Graveyard

FTR Flat Tracker... Rare sight in Lion City


Honda Chaly... Owned by the ever so lovely Joel

Kawa W400... Tamed by luvly Chips

Lounge De Monkee

W400 ribs


Rock On 1179!

Fuck It... Its A Guzzi


Retro work horse

Guzzi V7 Special

Props De Triumph

Super long absence... in a nutshell... seen/scene over the past months

Friday, September 21, 2012

Lion City's Bonnerebel

Had a chance to test/ride this lil devil... and I must say I'm quite smitten by the set up and her rideability... but of course, in a old skool retro classic sense (mind u, its got good modern components init)... surely u do not want me to pit it against modern street bikes...

... Thanks Joe

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Port Dickson Bike Festival

Lat weekend, had a chance to ride up to Port Dickson Bike Festival in Malaysia. Of course, utilizing my company's stallion... mer weapon of choice: Triumph Tiger 800ABS... below are the pics that appeals to me...

My Tiger 800 blue stallion for the trip along with big brother Explorer, parked outside the hut at Eagle Ranch, Port Dickson

Follow Triumph Rats Scramblahblahblah during this trip 

Retro Suzuki GSX

The parking lot

XL Cafe 85

Mer favorite bike for the weekend, Buell... first time seeing it in a flesh

Bike spread at Eagle Ranch


Red Honda CB Cafe

Read the news lately?

From Dakar, with love... perhaps?

Ratish Yamaha

Buell see through

Whats a bike fest without tug of war...

testosterone either boost or bruised...